1. Of all the hymns and worship songs, name one of your favorites, and your most favorite line from that song.
My favorite would be "Be Thou My Vision". My favorite line? Hmm. . . I guess I like the part that goes:
Be Thou my vision, oh Lord of my heart
Nought be all else to me, save that Thou art.
2. One favorite verse/passage/chapter/book from the Bible. (Give the reference and if you're kind the verse as well.)
I like Psalms 19: 1-2
"The heavens declare the glory of God,
the skies proclaim the works of His hands.
Day after day, they pour forth speech;
Night after night, the display knowledge."
Yes! I've been praying for more friends this year, and God has answered that request dramatically. Thank You, God!
4. Do you have a default prayer? (If yes then please type it out.)
5. Has God saved your life before? (Any small thing would do)
Probably many many times, without me knowing it. In any case, I'm alive and well, and I thank God for that. I wonder are my guardian angels getitng tired (no offense, Mr./Ms. Angel who is watching me as I type this).
6.Tag at least three people.
I tag Benjamin, Whitle09, and David
david what?
Oh, sorry about that. I meant you.
How did you find my blog? Thru Mark's?
UNtil Edison,
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