
Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009. It feels so strange on my tongue, rolling hard over it like a foreign name. The future lies before, vast, and unpredictable. I guess it would best to start my year with dedication, (even though New Year's Day itself is over).

Tis’ four days past New Year,
The future lies before me, so far, yet all so near.
I can’t see what’s ahead of me,
All seems not to be clear,

I know not what awaits me, beyond the turning tide,
My spyglass is no aid to me,
No new land magnified,
I wonder what’s in store for me, as the ocean waves I ride.

But Lord, please be a light for me,
And make me to all you want me to be,
Guide me and correct me,
As I sit upon your knee.

Oh Great God Almighty,
Let dedication bind,
Between just You and me,
This great new year of mine.
See me as I bow before You,
I place my little hands in Thine’s,


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