Ice Legend: Part Three

Thursday, January 1, 2009

This is a really short part of the Polar bear story.

Everont did not sleep well that night. Maybe it was the hopeful expectation that kept him awake, or the thought of the things that the Schoolmaster had warned him about. In any case, the future seemed as up in the air as the night wind that howled like a mourning wolf above him. He shivered. Funny, he thought, that he had always dreamt of being an Ursidian kinght, battling wolf and walrus in heroic fights to defend Glorious Pernia. And now, with the chance to become the warrior of his dreams, he was so hesitant. The Schoolmaster had given him the night to think about his decision. It was hard to think, though, when your mind was tired and faraway, and when three other bears were snoring loudly in the bunks next to and below you. Everont reviewed the encounter with the Schoolmaster once more, and forced himself to make the decision that could change his life forever.

I'll reveal Everont's decision in part four.


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