Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 has ended.

This was a short year, at least, in how it felt. The months and days and worries and joys slipped by like dreams, and flew out the window in the fleeting instant. 2008 was long, but not as long-feeling as 2005 or 2006. Perhaps years begin to feel shorter as you have had more of them.

But 2009 was a good year for me. No new enemies or bitter rivalries to plague my year...compared to 2008. Made new friends, learned tonnes more in poetry and writing, entered Facebook (which is, I suppose more detrimental than beneficial).

2008 was a crazy, hectic year of discovery. Rushing about, new people, new classes, new places, everything felt so new. Tyatora had been young then.

But she has matured with time, as the stars grow a little fainter and the grass a little browner, and the night a little longer, but the years remain good yet.

So has my last year, upon which I turned 13, turned. Hmm...and had Amentoris Baleyn given me a choice, I do not think I would have had my year any other way I can yet perceive.


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