Another Crow Poem

Sunday, December 27, 2009

It was the Day After Christmas,
In Malaysia.

Blast the monsoons, I said.

And I looked out the window, a little bored, the surprise and business of
slipping off.

It was dark, as the gray clouds gathered, and I still looked up,
Bored-eyed and emptylike.

The conductor was still there,
It's flimsy metal shaking in the wind,
(Which was blowing badly then).

And there was a crow on it.

Not that I should think so much of it,
Not that I should have bothered,
But I did.

All alone, standing there,
Its black body
Like a silhouette up there
Knowing that the gray clouds were gathering to strike,
Knowing that the lightning could strike right there first,
Knowing that the bitter wind was howling,
Knowing that the rain would fly down in torrents like arrows.
Knowing so much,

But laughing at risk,
Daredevil crow,
Laughing at time,
Laughing at luck,
Laughing at life,
Laughing at death.

I blinked,
And it was gone,
as a wraith.


timliew said...

the crow on my treee are laughing
laughing about how i cant shoo them away from the tree!

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