
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Through all the paths of Ieswind, and through the Deeping Wood,

Wanderer who wanders, ‘tis Green thy cloak and hood!

Your Song is light, as wind in the leaves,

As Sweet as the sound of the stream,

Your voice was Fair as Spring-passing Eve,

As the night where the fire-flies gleam!

Come sing here tonight, while the fire is bright,

Of the Tales of the Hare and the Goat,

The Dawn may bring what our sorrows may Sing,

But tonight we shall feast and shall gloat!

Through all the coast of Ladh-Lüin, and up the Cliffs of Weven-Land,

Wanderer who Wanders, Thy Fiddle still in your hand!

Your bow is swift, and dances on

The strings like Maiden Fair!

Your Tune is light, while we are

Sad and worried down with care!

Come sing here tonight, while the fire is bright,

Of the Tales of the Hare and the Goat,

The Dawn may bring what our sorrows may Sing,

But tonight we shall feast and shall gloat!

Through all the plains of Kyndillic, where Valkyries ride their steeds,

Still Merry-Joe thy tunes still are, still sweet thy pipes of reed!

The night is dark and soon we ride to rout the foes so fell!

But be tonight our final ride, we sing and bid thee well!

Come sing here tonight, while the fire is bright,

Of the Tales of the Hare and the Goat,

The Dawn may bring what our sorrows may Sing,

But tonight we shall feast and shall gloat!


Anonymous said...

Why don't you stop by at McGuck's Eire Tavern some night? ;)

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